本《SuperTest服务使用协议》是您(下称"用户")与上海语轩信息科技有限公司(Shanghai Yuxuan Information Technology Co., Ltd.)(以下称“SuperTest”)之间在使用SuperTest出品的软件中注册使用时签署的协议。


  1. 用户应认真阅读(未成年人应当在监护人陪同下阅读)、充分理解本协议中各条款。除非用户接受本协议, 用户应当立即停止注册及使用行为。
  2. 用户在进行注册程序过程中点击“同意”按钮即表示用户完全接受本协议项下的全部条款。
  3. 用户注册成功后,SuperTest将给予每个用户一个用户帐号及相应的密码,该用户帐号和密码由用户负责保管; 用户妥善保管帐号和密码,防止泄露,如果帐号和密码被盗用的,用户应当对以其用户帐号进行的所有活动和事件负法律责任。


  1. SuperTest服务的具体内容由SuperTest根据实际情况提供,例如SuperTest互动课程、单元编排、个人学习数据、学习目标设定等全部应用内功能。
  2. SuperTest提供的服务为收费服务,用户使用需要向SuperTest支付一定的费用。对于收费服务,SuperTest会在用户使用之前给予用户明确的提示,只有用户根据提示确认其愿意支付相关费用,用户才能使用该等收费服务。如用户拒绝支付相关费用,则SuperTest有权不向用户提供使用。
  3. 用户理解,SuperTest仅提供软件相关服务,除此之外与相关软件服务有关的设备(如手机、个人电脑及其他与接入互联网或移动网有关的装置)及所需的费用(如为接入互联网而支付的电话费及上网费、为使用移动网而支付的手机费)均应由用户自行负担。
  4. 用户同意SuperTest使用通过服务获取的用户信息,包括但不限于使用于学习天梯上,使SuperTest其他用户可以查看用户的头像、名字等个人资料等。


  1. 用户注册成功后,用户有权使用SuperTest软件功能与用户进行分享交流,包括题目点评、学习数据成就、以及分享其他一切用户感兴趣的内容。
  2. 用户有权使用SuperTest提供的个人主页、可以上传照片、编辑资料。
  3. 用户在使用SuperTest时须遵守国家相关法律法规,内容不得包含有下列内容之一的信息:
    1. 反对宪法所确定的基本原则的;
    2. 危害国家安全,泄露国家秘密,颠覆国家政权,破坏国家统一的;
    3. 损害国家荣誉和利益的;
    4. 煽动民族仇恨、民族歧视、破坏民族团结的;
    5. 破坏国家宗教政策,宣扬邪教和封建迷信的;
    6. 散布谣言,扰乱社会秩序,破坏社会稳定的;
    7. 散布淫秽、色情、赌博、暴力、凶杀、恐怖或者教唆犯罪的;
    8. 侮辱或者诽谤他人,侵害他人合法权利的;
    9. 含有虚假、有害、胁迫、侵害他人隐私、骚扰、侵害、中伤、粗俗、猥亵、或其它道德上令人反感的内容;
    10. 含有中国法律、法规、规章、条例以及任何具有法律效力之规范所限制或禁止的其它内容的;
    11. 含有SuperTest认为不利于SuperTest运营的内容。
  4. 用户必须清楚使用规则,SuperTest仅供个人交流、学习欣赏,非商业性质的使用,用户不可利用本服务对信息或表演进行出售、或利用本服务进行调查、广告、或用于其他商业目的。
  5. 用户保证在使用SuperTest时发布、传播的信息的真实性、准确性,保证不得发布谣言或其他与事实不符引起他人不适的言论、信息。
  6. 用户保证在使用SuperTest不得发布、传播侵犯知识产权的信息。
  7. 若用户发生前述3-6的行为时,由用户承担所有的违法、侵权责任,若因此给SuperTest造成任何损失SuperTest有权向责任用户主张权利。同时,SuperTest有权对违法、侵权、违规的用户终止提供服务。如果政府或者司法机关要求SuperTest告知进行侵权行为用户的具体信息的,SuperTest有权根据现行法规向其告知用户信息。
  8. 用户同意SuperTest有权在提供服务过程中以各种方式投放各种商业性广告或其他任何类型的商业信息,并且,用户同意接受SuperTest通过电子邮件或其他方式向用户发送商品促销或其他相关商业信息。


  1. 用户在使用SuperTest分享个人作品或者演绎他人作品时,不得侵犯第三方著作权。
  2. 用户使用SuperTest分享信息中内函的原创信息版权归用户,用户的分享行为是对网络传播行为许可,授权其他用户有权复制、传播前述信息。


  1. 鉴于服务的特殊性,用户同意SuperTest有权随时变更、中断或终止部分或全部的服务(包括收费服务及免费服务)。如变更、中断或终止的服务属于免费服务,SuperTest无需通知用户,也无需对任何用户或任何第三方承担任何责任;如变更、中断或终止的服务属于收费服务,SuperTest应当在变更、中断或终止之前事先通知用户,并应向受影响的用户提供等值的替代性的收费服务,如用户不愿意接受替代性的收费服务,就该用户已经向SuperTest支付的服务费,SuperTest应当按照该用户实际使用相应收费服务的情况扣除相应服务费之后将剩余的服务费退还给该用户。
  2. 用户理解,SuperTest需要定期或不定期地对提供服务的平台或相关的设备进行检修或者维护,如因此类情况而造成收费服务在合理时间内的中断,SuperTest无需为此承担任何责任,但SuperTest应尽可能事先进行通告。
  3. 如发生下列任何一种情形,SuperTest有权随时中断或终止向用户提供本协议项下的服务:
    1. 用户提供的个人资料不真实;
    2. 用户违反本协议中规定的使用规则;
    3. 用户在使用收费服务时未按规定向SuperTest支付相应的服务费;
    4. 出现自然灾害等不可抗力导致SuperTest无法运营的。
  4. 如用户注册的免费服务的帐号在任何连续90日内未实际使用,或者用户注册的收费服务的帐号在其订购的收费服务的服务期满之后连续180日内未实际使用,则SuperTest有权删除该帐号并停止为该用户提供相关的服务。
  5. 用户注册的免费帐号昵称如存在违反法律法规或国家政策要求,或侵犯任何第三方合法权益的情况,SuperTest有权收回该账号昵称。 
  6. 本协议的解释权归SuperTest所有。


您点击订阅、开通及使用SuperTest VIP自动续费服务,则视为您同意本规则。 


  1. 本服务是在您已开通SuperTest VIP会员服务的前提下,为您提供的自动续费服务。如您开通本服务,则在您的SuperTest VIP会员服务即将到期时,从您的自有充值账户、绑定的第三方支付账户、银行卡、通信账户、iTunes账户等账户(以下统称"账户")余额中代扣下一个计费周期服务费,计费周期包括但不限于月度、季度、年度等。该服务实现的前提是您已开通及绑定账户,且可成功从上述账户中扣款。因上述账户中可扣款余额不足导致续费失败等风险及/或损失,由您自行承担。
  2. 订阅周期:1个月、3个月、1年等,会员可自行选择。取消订阅后,您仍可以在已付款的期间内享用订阅。举例来说,如果您于 1 月 1 日购买为期一年的SuperTest订阅服务,并于 7 月 1 日决定取消订阅,则:您在 12 月 31 日之前仍然可享受我们的全部课程内容服务;系统在下一年 1 月不会再向您收取每年订阅费用。
  3. 购买自动续费服务后,会在每个计费周期到期前24小时,自动在相关账户扣费并延长该计费周期对应的会员有效期。
  4. 苹果应用内支付(IAP支付,in-app purchase)自动续费用户退订方法如下:  ①打开苹果手机"设置" ②进入"iTunes Store 与 App Store" ③点击 "Apple ID",选择"查看Apple ID",进入"账户设置"页面,点击"订阅",选择SuperTest VIP 取消订阅即可。
  5. Google Pay用户退订方法: ①在 Android 手机或平板电脑上,开启「Google Play 商店」Google Play。②查看是否已登入正确的 Google 帐户。③轻按 [选单] 选单 然后 [订阅]。④选取要取消的订阅。⑤轻按 [取消订阅]。⑥按照指示操作。
    如果您订阅的应用程式已从 Google Play 中移除,您日后的订阅将自动取消。您以往的订阅将不获退款
    自动续费状态更新可能存在显示延时,以SuperTest VIP自动续费签约状态为准。如未在计费周期到期前至少24小时前取消自动续费功能,将会自动续订及扣款。

This "SuperTest Service User Agreement" is an agreement between you (hereinafter referred to as "user") and Shanghai Yuxuan Information Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "SuperTest") governing your use of all software produced by SuperTest.

Essential Notice

  1. The user should read this agreement carefully (minors should be accompanied by a parent or guardian), and assure they fully understand the terms of this agreement. Not agreeing to this agreement will immediately result in the user desisting to register and use SuperTest software.
  2. The user fully accepts all terms and conditions described in this agreement when clicking the "Agree" button during the registration process.
  3. Upon successful registration, SuperTest will give each user an account and corresponding password. The user is responsible for keeping the account and password; the user shall store the account and password safely to prevent data breach. If the account and password are stolen, the user will be legally held accountable for all activities and events carried out under their account.

Service Content

  1. The concrete services provided by SuperTest are supplied according to the actual circumstances, including but not limited to the SuperTest interactive lessons, units, personal study data, study goals settings, etc.
  2. Some of the services provided by SuperTest (such as essay correction) are paid services, and users are required to pay a certain fee to SuperTest to use these paid services. For these paid services, SuperTest will give the user a clear notice before use, so only after the user confirms that he is willing to pay the relevant fee for the respective service, can the user start using the paid service. If the user is not willing to pay the relevant fees, SuperTest has the right to not provide the paid services to the user.
  3. The user understands that SuperTest only provides software-related services, and that the user bears all costs related to other services and devices (such as mobile phones, personal computers and other devices related to access to the Internet or mobile network) and other costs (such as internet and telephone fees to access the internet.
  4. The user agrees that SuperTest can use the user’s information obtained through the provided services to, including but not limited to the leaderboard, so that other SuperTest users can view the user's avatar, name, questions answered and other personal data.

User Policy

  1. After the user is successfully registered, the user has the right to use SuperTest software functions to share and communicate with the user, including questions and comments, answer reportage, user written essays, and sharing other content that might be interesting to the user.
  2. Users have the right to use the personal homepage provided by SuperTest, upload photos and share personal information.
  3. Users must abide by relevant national laws and regulations when using SuperTest, and the content cannot contain information or act in any way related to the following points:
    1. Oppose the basic principles defined by the Constitution;
    2. Endangering national security, leaking state secrets, subverting state power, or undermining national unity;
    3. Do damage to country honor and interests;
    4. Inciting ethnic hatred, ethnic discrimination, and undermining ethnic unity;
    5. Undermine national religious policies or promoting cults and feudal superstitions;
    6. Spread rumors, disturbing social order and social stability;
    7. Spread or instigate obscenity, pornography, gambling, violence, homicide, terror or other crimes;
    8. Insult or slander others, infringing or hurting the legal rights of others;
    9. Share or create content that is false, harmful, coercive, infringes on the privacy of others, harassment, infringement, slander, vulgar, obscene, or otherwise morally objectionable.
    10. Other content restricted or prohibited by Chinese laws, regulations, rules, policies and prohibited under any other legally effective scope.
    11. Content that SuperTest believes is not conducive to the operation of SuperTest.
  4. Users must clearly understand the terms of use. SuperTest is only for personal communication and personal learning and can only be used for non-commercial purposes. Users cannot use this service to sell information or performance, or use this service to conduct surveys, advertisements, or use it for any other commercial purposes.
  5. The user guarantees that the information shared and posted is authentic and accurate and that the user will not post false information, or information otherwise inconsistent with the facts, or cause harm to others.
  6. The user promises not to publish or share information that violates intellectual property rights while using SuperTest.
  7. If the user conducts any of the aforementioned actions, the user shall bear all liability for the violations and infringements. If any damage or loss is caused to SuperTest, SuperTest has the right to claim the rights of the responsible user. Simultaneously, SuperTest has the right to terminate any provided services to users who violate, infringe or otherwise ignore the law and/or specified regulations. If the government or judicial authorities require SuperTest to share user information regarding a possible infringement, SuperTest has the right to inform authorities of the user’s information in accordance with current law and policies.
  8. The user agrees that SuperTest has the right to place various commercial advertisements or any other type of commercial information in the products during the process of providing services, and the user agrees that SuperTest can send product promotions or other relevant commercial information to the user through e-mail or other methods.

Intellectual Property

  1. When using SuperTest users must not infringe the copyright of others when share personal work or work of others.
  2. When the user shares information when using SuperTest, the user must include the information, copyright and permission of the creator of the work.

Changes to, interruption or termination of services

  1. In light of the irregularity of the service, the user agrees that SuperTest has the right to change, interrupt or terminate any part or the entirety of the service (including paid service and free service) at any time. If the service that is changed, interrupted or terminated is a free service, SuperTest does not need to notify the user, and does not need to bear any responsibility to any user or any third party. If the service that is changed, interrupted or terminated service is a paid service, SuperTest must notify the user before a change, interruption or termination as well as provide an equivalent alternative to affected users. If the user is unwilling to accept alternative services, SuperTest should return to the user the remaining service fee after deducting the fee according to the actual use of said service.
  2. The user understands that SuperTest needs to service or maintain the service platform or related equipment at regular or irregular intervals. If such a situation causes the interruption of any paid service, but the interruption occurs within a reasonable timeframe, SuperTest does not bear any responsibility for this interruption. If possible, SuperTest can make an announcement in advance to inform the user of the interruption.
  3. If any of the following situations occur, under this agreement, SuperTest has the right to interrupt or terminate the services provided to the user at any time:
    1. Personal information provided by the user is not true or real;
    2. The user violates the user policies specified in this agreement;
    3. The user did not pay the corresponding service fee to SuperTest when using the paid service;
    4. The occurrence of force majeure, such as natural disasters, prevents SuperTest from operating.
  4. If the user account of a free service user has not been used for 90 consecutive days, or the user account of a paid service user has not been used for 180 consecutive days after expiration of the paid service, SuperTest has the right to delete the account and stop providing related services to the user.
  5. 5.If the account nickname registered by the user violates the law, regulations or national policy requirements, or violates the legal rights and interests of any third party, SuperTest has the right to withdraw the account nickname. 
  6. SuperTest reserves the final right to interpret this agreement.

SuperTest Auto Renewal Service Terms

If you subscribe to SuperTest VIP, you expressly agree to have read and accepted the following terms.  

You understand and agree that:

  1. This service is an auto renewal service provided to you on the premise that you have subscribed to a SuperTest VIP membership. If you start the auto-renewal subscription, within 24 hours of your subscription expiration date, the subscription fee for the next subscription period will be deducted from your account, a linked third-party payment account, bank card, communications account, iTunes account (referred to as “account” hereafter). Subscription renewal periods offered include monthly, quarterly and yearly subscriptions. Once yo have subscribed you agree that the subscription fee can successfully be deducted from the above indicated accounts. The risk and/or loss of renewal failure due to insufficient deductible balance in the above account shall be carried by you.
  2. SuperTest users can select any of the available subscriptions: 1 month, 3 months, and 1 year. After canceling the subscription, you can still enjoy the subscription within the paid for period. E.g. if you purchase a one-year SuperTest VIP subscription service on January 1 and decide to cancel it on July 1, you will still be able to enjoy all unlimited SuperTest VIP content offered by this subscription until December 31. You will not be charged an annual subscription fee after your subscription has expired.
  3. After purchasing your chosen SuperTest VIP subscription, within 24 hours or your subscription expiration date, the fee for the new period will be automatically deducted from the linked account and extend the validity period with the agreed to SuperTest VIP subscription duration.
  4. APPLE in-app purchase subscription cancellation  Go to "Settings", "iTunes Store and App Store" and click "Apple ID", select "View Apple ID", go to "Account Settings" page, click "Subscriptions", and select SuperTest VIP to cancel your subscription.
  5. Google Pay subscription cancellation: On Android phones or tablets open "Google Play Store". Check if you have logged in to the correct Google account. Click menu, then subscriptions. Select cancel subscriptions and unsubscribe, then follow on screen instructions.
    If your subscription has already been removed from Google Play, your subscription will be cancelled automatically. Your previous subscription will not be refundable.
    Other ways to unsubscribe: according to respective payment platform regulations.
    The automatic renewal process may not be in real time. It may show some delays. Subscriptions are based on SuperTest’s systems.
    If the automatic renewal function is not cancelled at least 24 hours before the expiration of the subscription period, the subscription will be automatically renewed.
    If you have any questions, please send us an email on feedback@hskonline.com
    *this translated version of the original terms and conditions and is for reference purposes only. For resolution of any legal or administrative queries clauses as stated in the Chinese version of the contract will be applied.